
Release, Mobilize and Load!

I know first hand having joint pain is well…a pain. Decades of dancing left me with some pretty yucky chronic injures that often times feel like they have a mind …

High Intensity, Low Impact

I LOVE summer. I know not everyone shares my love of heat, but it does have its benefits when it comes to moving well. Sweat, sunshine and some intensity to those …

Pilates off the Mat

I love rolling out my Mat and working out. I love getting clearer, stronger and more proficient at Pilates exercises. I love my practice.  BUT, let’s get real. The real …

Equipment Vs. No Equipment

Equipment or no equipment? What’s better? What makes you stronger? What’s more supportive? What works the best? BOTH. We can dive into the mechanical reasons why mat work and equipment …

Fundamentals: Basic Not Boring

Are movement basics and fundamentals just a box to check off?Things to do a few times and then move on?A little…boring? Um. No!!! While it’s great to have movement goals …

Letting go of Control

First off I recognize the inherent irony of this entire blog post. I teach Pilates otherwise know as “Contrology”. Also, as much as I love some classical, badass Joe Pilates …

Normalize Movement

Hi friends, Well, here we are. Still here. Still. The ironic thing is I’ve have been anything but still these past ten weeks of shelter in place. Moving my business …

Back to Basics

Let’s take a look at the 6 basic principles of Pilates: Concentration — In a nutshell…pay attention to your body! But we strive to do it in a way where we …

What if working out was playtime?

Ok, now that you are over the cuteness of my kid (yes I’m slightly biased!) let’s talk about this idea of “getting it right” when it comes to movement. Watching …

Finding Your Practice

Going to class is a particular joy of mine. It probably stems from my background in dance, particularly ballet, where the daily ritual of finding my place at the barre, …