Let’s Chill Out

There is a saying that goes like this:

If you don’t pick a day to rest your body will pick one for you.

Summer is supposed to be a time to relax and rejuvenate. However, when I look around me that elusive thing called rest seems a bit out of reach. Frankly, I’m seeing most of the people in my life dealing with some pretty significant stressors and missing out on some much-needed R&R.

I’m horrible at relaxing but what I have found is I can take this idea of rest and relaxation and apply it to my movement practice. That’s the beauty of having a personal practice, you have the control to dial the intensity up or down as you need it.

This month I wanted to share some tools to integrate into your practice to relax your joints and muscles and recalibrate your nervous system. 

I encourage you to try 5-10 minutes of daily constrictive rest or commit to doing the Daily 10 videos a few times per week for some gentle mobilizing self-care.

My goal in offering these tools is not to be some wellness guru. I’m far from that. It is to give you a few ideas and a whole lot of support to make the best choices for your body to help keep you strong, rested, and balanced.

If you are not an Evergreen Member get access to video classes by clicking HERE!

Check out the links below to purchase the affordable and portable props you need for this month’s classes and to get the most out of your Constructive Rest!

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