Normalize Movement

Hi friends, Well, here we are. Still here. Still. The ironic thing is I’ve have been anything but still these past ten weeks of shelter in place. Moving my business from a physical space to the online realm, moving non-stop chasing a very active 2 year old boy and moving my own body more creatively … Read more

Back to Basics

Let’s take a look at the 6 basic principles of Pilates: Concentration — In a nutshell…pay attention to your body! But we strive to do it in a way where we are observing, inhibiting, activating, directing and ultimately becoming more mindful in every moment of our movement practice. To do this with curiosity and without judgement … Read more

What if working out was playtime?

Ok, now that you are over the cuteness of my kid (yes I’m slightly biased!) let’s talk about this idea of “getting it right” when it comes to movement. Watching my son who now is just about 8 months old (he was about 6 months old in the picture above) move around with such curiosity, … Read more

Finding Your Practice

Going to class is a particular joy of mine. It probably stems from my background in dance, particularly ballet, where the daily ritual of finding my place at the barre, watching the teacher demonstrate the first movement phrase, placing my hand on the wood, hearing he first chord of the piano and sinking into my first … Read more