Pinky Ball
Fabulous and super portable tool for releasing and mobilizing stuck muscles and fascia all over the body.
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Franklin Balls
Multifaceted and fascia-friendly set of balls that can do everything from releasing muscle tension to mobilizing sticky joints to activating the core.
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Peanut Ball
An amazing tool to release upper back tension, neck pain, and shoulder tightness and to find more mobility in the upper back and chest.
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Yoga Block
This foam block assists with finding correct pelvic positioning in seated exercises, provides stability to the pelvis and shoulders, and adds a level of challenging instability to standing balance work.
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Foam Roller
The soft one! This roller is a bit more gentle on the body, coaxing muscles and fascia into a happier state without the discomfort of a harder roller.
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Resistance Band
This band is longer and wider than others on the market giving greater potential for use.
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Resistance Loops
Work your glutes and hips effectively and comfortably with these three bands that offer different levels of resistance and challenge.
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8-10 inch Ball
A sturdy ball with a lovely texture. Great for core activation and stability challenges as well as abdominal massage.
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Magic Circle
Add resistance, strengthening and challenge to your workout with the versatile and strong Ultra-Fit Circle. Medium size recommended.
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Light hand weights are perfect for adding load to Pilates exercises to increase strength, build muscle and promote bone health.
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Take your home studio to a whole new level with the Oov. Providing instability in three dimensions with a fascia-friendly material that challenges stability while relaxing the nervous system, the Oov is one of the most innovative and effective products on the market.
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Stretch Out Strap
A multi-use strap with built-in handles that is more comfortable on the hands and stretches the body more effectively than a traditional strap.
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The ultimate home prop that feels amazing on the spine and gives a full body workout while mobilizing all of your sticky spots. The arc is incredibly light and can be hung on the wall for space-saving storage.
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